

Stainless steel sand

Sossna Diamond Edge® stainless steel sand is a high quality product of scattered stainless steel used for homogenization, temperature distribution and fine filtration of polymer melt.

It is available in various particle size ranges. The 3 main sizes are listed below. Other particle size ranges are also available on request. There are two types which are different in Ni-contents.

  • Type DES is a Cr-Ni-alloy with in average 16-20% Cr and 4-8% Ni, similar to SUS 304.
  • Type DEE is based on SUS 201 with average 16-18% Cr and < 1% Ni.

Bulk weight of both types are in the same range:

Type Mesh Micro (µm) Density (g/cm³)
DES-004 / DEE-007 60 – 80 177-250 2,10 – 2,20
DES-007 / DEE-007 40 -60 250 – 350 1,62 -1,70
DES-009 / DEE-009 30 – 40 350 -500 1,35 -1,45


    Both types are inert and corrosion resistant stainless steel alloys.

    Delivery: In coloured steels barrels of 50 kg. Colour code according mesh size.

    Furthermore, we are offering following laboratory equipment:


    64-00 Stainless steel sand laboratory equipment



      64-01-A Bulk density measurement
      for the determination of bulk density
      64-03-W Balance
      accurate to 0,01g
      64-05-S Sieve Shaker
      analysis of grain sizes
      64-05-S-01 Test Sieves
      according to GB/T 1480